Little Flower Montessori

“Your child is the heart of our school”
CALL US: (202) 667-6803
Little FLower Montessori School is closed on legal holidays indicated on the School Year Calendar but offers daycare during school breaks and Summer Camp during the summer months.
Little Flower Montessori School is closed on legal holidays indicated on the school Year Calendar but daycare will be available for Spring and Winter break if 10 or more children sign up. Daycare will be provided at an additional charge of $10 an hour and will be schedualed from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm during breaks with the exception of federal holidays such as Christmas Day and New Years Day. Sign up sheets for daycare will be available in the school lobby and parents will be billed for daycare services separately.
Summer Camp is also offered during June, July and August. Please inquire about our Summer Camp Application Packet for details.

Daycare Available During School Breaks